Contact Us
Whatever your question - big or small please feel free to get in touch at your own convenience, either via the email form to the left, Facebook (remember to click the 'Like' button!) or by calling/texting on:
If I don't manage to answer your call straight away please do leave a voicemail and I'll call back as soon as I'm available.
Enquiries Opening Times*
Monday to Friday - 10am - 8pm
Saturday - 11:30am - 4:30pm
Sunday - CLOSED
*All timings available subject to other bookings. When calling please make sure your number is visable.
IF urgent i.e. if you're one of our brides and are getting married the same week, your call will be returned asap, just leave a message/text if possible.
* Please note the above opening times are simply for enquries! For portfolio meetings and other bookings we work 7 days a week, from early until late! *
Thank you!